Tai Chi Karaoke
Happening, in collaboration with Michael Fesca, 14 min., 2014–19
In this movement and speech experiment, those present are included in an imitative representation of the expansive and idiosyncratic body language of the renowned philosopher Slavoj Žižek. The work is based on a video sequence in which Žižek tells a joke about German hermeneutics and toilets. Projected six times slower than the original, and subtitled with the words spoken (the joke), this sequence serves as a playback track for participants to mimic the sentences and body movements, a kind of slowed-down rehearsal for an embodiment-karaoke.
Happening, in collaboration with Michael Fesca, 14 min., 2014–19
In this movement and speech experiment, those present are included in an imitative representation of the expansive and idiosyncratic body language of the renowned philosopher Slavoj Žižek. The work is based on a video sequence in which Žižek tells a joke about German hermeneutics and toilets. Projected six times slower than the original, and subtitled with the words spoken (the joke), this sequence serves as a playback track for participants to mimic the sentences and body movements, a kind of slowed-down rehearsal for an embodiment-karaoke.
Video, projector, sound system, 1 or 2 performers.
Image 1: Sarah Behrnd, courtesy of ELES Studienwerk
Image 3: Andrea Lühmann, courtesy of dilettantin produktionsbüro
Image 4: Photo of Claude Draude and other participants in the Tai Chi Karaoke exercises by Andrea Lühmann, courtesy of dilettantin produktionsbüro
Image 6: Branka Pavlović